Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The mystery and mastery of leadership (…serving your best to the world) part 5

The secret of success is excellence and the secret of excellence is giving your best.
Give your best, and nothing else
Anything less is not accepted
Do your best, Give your all
Where others give less, give more
Where others relent, refuel and accelerate
When others are complacent, be willing and courageous
When others are inconsistent, be diligent
When others back out, take the lead
Where others miss, hit the target
Where others fail, do more than succeed…
-a poem by Joel Thompson
The strength of leadership is character; the center of leadership is excellence.
If people do not respect your leadership, they would not respect you as a leader.
The secret of excellence is giving your best to be outstanding in all that you do.
There is always every tendency to allow laziness, mediocrity, and complacency takes over your lead, but there is always a price to pay. It’s the price of consistency in learning and growing as a leader. This is where nature responds to nurture.
Think, Lead and Succeed.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I would like to introduce to you dynamic leaders who met needs during their time. These men focused on their strength, and were known for specifically meeting a need. These men served their cause with wisdom, skill and integrity. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for these ones, the ones I call dynamic Leaders....
 Albert Einstein...For his wealth of contribution to science, as a result of his intellectual property. Einstein went on to establish the law of relativity which was one of the most powerful law at work in nuclear physics.
Ben carson.jpgDr. Ben Carson...For his valuable contribution to the field of neurosurgery. His outstanding moments were those surgical operations that looked seemingly impossible. However, he will never be forgotten in John Hopkins.
LeTourneau.jpg R.G. Letourneau...This man will not be forgotten in the history of inventors. What amazes me most about the man was his ability to align his spirit and soul together. He believed in God, and his Faith in God resulted into bringing him so much productivity for everyone to see. He got credits for the tippers, bulldozers, and several other machinery which are still relevant to this age.
JackWelch.jpg Jack Welch...Respected for his leadership in General Electric, this man will always be remembered for his innovation, creative ideas, profound way of reasoning, creative leadership and his intellectually astute patterns of handling organizational growth.
Martin-Luther-King-Jr.jpg Martin Luther King Jr....This man was known to all as a human right activist, but to some people like me, he is a prophet whose prophecy was fulfilled in this age. He is seen as one of the fathers of civil reforms. His intellectual property, oratorical prowess and expressional ability registers to our mind that he was an agent of change. Stood against racism and refused to stay in the box of racial limitation.
What about these Guys? Do you remember these guys?
mahatma-gandhi.jpgMahatma Ghandi Nelson mandela(madiba).jpg Nelson Mandela (madiba) Anwar Sadat.jpg  Anwar Sadat
   And what about Christians who took the lead in their generation and are still taking the lead in this Age?
Kenneth_Hagin1180211629.jpgKenneth E. Hagin...known as a founding father of the Christian faith movement. Regarded by all as a spiritual Leader, Kenneth E. Hagin messages (in books and tapes) are still relevant to the Christian faith movement. You are not a true believer if you have not read any of his books, some of which are excerpts from his sermon.
C.S.-Lewis-2.jpg C.S. Lewis...Regarded by intellectuals as one of the most profound writer in history, this oxford professor migrated from doubting the existence of God as an atheist to proving the supremacy of God (from an intellectual platform)while addressing the issues of Christianity, he assumed the position of a layman but his facts, logical reasoning, understanding and thoughts on this matter is still useful to everyone who is search of the true God. If you still question the existence of God as an atheist or even as a believer, then I would recommend Clives Staples Lewis’s writing. With several fictional books to his credit, one could say he was in his time recognized as an intellectual Giant.
However, I would like to talk about two men who have inspired my writings still on the subject of leadership.
Stephen Covey.pngJohn-Maxwell.jpg John C. Maxwell...here’s a man who demystified leadership for the world to see and like you all know, he still remain relevant to leadership students all across the globe. His leadership Lessons are useful to small group leaders, corporate leaders, Christian leaders, academic leaders and every other leader who would love to build influence by positive impact.
Stephen R. Covey has always been my favorite leadership author. His approach to the subject is quite deep; his theories are pragmatically merged with the concept of Management but he clearly differentiates management from Leadership. He clearly demonstrates leadership structuring and stability with his profound writings and just like Maxwell, he cuts across every areas and aspect of Leadership.
I put all these together to give you an insight into the aftermath effect of leadership mastery. This men, as different as their circumstances, field, temperament, character and gifting were, they modeled leadership to the world. They are seen as great leaders of their time. Great leaders are known for specifics, what are you known for?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


In this part, I will be dealing a Little about leadership discipleship and the myth of being in front line. There goes the old saying “the man in front is the first to get shot at”...that’s the leader’s myth. If you have ever taking the responsibility of leading, either in an organization, as a clergyman, as a small group leader or as a political leader (my bad), you would have discovered that your errors appears and appeals to all. And like they say “the strongest chain has the weakest link”, a leader does not try to cover his weakness, he focus on his strength which eventually helps him to make up for his flaws. The concept behind mastering Leadership is unfolding the mystery that makes followers unwilling to lead. The world is filled with followers; people who are unwilling to pay the price of standing out, i mean the majority who are weak; the spectators, those who are always talking about other people’s success stories rather than pursue theirs. However the case may be, leaders find themselves among the minorities.
 Leadership can be demystified. Dr. Myles Munroe tells us to find our gift and serve it to the world, that’s what leaders do. The strength of leadership is service. Serving with what you have and serving from where you are. Jesus says “whosoever would be the greatest must be a servant. The concept behind Leadership is serving to meet needs.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


True Leaders are known for specifics. There are no flawless leaders, but there are competent leaders. There are no perfect leaders but there are leaders with a perfect heart. True leadership embraces change that comes from Vision.  However the case may be, a leader is a visionary and a visionary has a desire to see things done in a way that challenges the conventional thinking. Leadership is all about making the right changes. When you have someone who can see beyond the normal, one who dares to be different from others, one who takes responsibility for positive changes, one who goes down the way others are unwilling to go, one who caries the burden for others and pays the price for greatness, then, to an extent, we can say “a leader has been born”. A leader saves the day. When a problem springs up, and no one stands up to the challenge, it gives just one man a platform to take the lead. What do you see? What makes a leader different from others is what they see differently from others.